Affordable Family Law Services
in Agreed Matters
When you're ready to turn over a new leaf, Laura Genoves, LLLT and Founder of Washington Family Law Tech, will guide you through the family law process from start to finish. Laura provides licensed professional legal support every step of the way in agreed matters - from initial filing to finalizing with the court.
Her goal is to help you grow into the next phase of your life with compassion, dignity, and respect.
Let her help you reach your new beginning.
Services Available
Agreed divorce and legal separation
Selection, completing, and filing of proper court pleadings in your matter
Division of property and debts-up to specific limits
Guidance with navigating the court system
Parenting plans specific to your family situation
Child Support - initiate or adjust
Post-secondary (after high school) support
Preparation of mediation materials
Drafting of temporary orders - if needed
Finalizing agreed divorces without a court appearance
Mediation services available upon request
Unsure? Schedule your "Exploring Options" personal one-on-one consultation for $125 (lasts 1-1.5 hours).